Sunday, 28 February 2010

Quinoasalat à la Hase

Gestern habe ich mal wieder ein neues Rezept kreiert, absolut frei Schnauze und ohne jegliche Vorgaben, und weil das Resultat Charly und mir so superlecker geschmeckt hat, möchte ich es hier doch gleich festhalten.

- braunes Quinoa
- 1 gelbe Paprika
- 1 Mandel-Sesam-Tofu von Taifun (gibt's im Bioladen)
- Tomaten
- 1 Fenchel
- 1 Bund Lauchzwiebeln
- 50 g Pinienkerne

Für die Salatsoße:
- Saft von 2 Zitronen
- scharfer Dijonsenf
- Sojajoghurt
- Olivenöl
- Salz und Pfeffer

Ja, der Rest ist ganz simpel....
1) das Quinoa nach Packungsanleitung kochen,
2) alle Zutaten (mit Ausnahme der Pinienkerne!) kleinschnippeln (dafür ist so ein Charly im Haus unheimlich praktisch, übrigens!!),
3) aus den gegebenen Zutaten die Salatsoße machen,
4) und alles miteinander vermischen.... es war wirklich extremst lecker.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Birthday dinner

Charly cooked a wonderful dinner for his birthday bunny (that's me!) and her guests yesterday - thank you again, my love!
It was so yummy that I absolutely have to share it with you.

We took it from this wonderful vegan cookbook which I can strongly recommend (especially to Anja ;-)), it's fabulous.

Pasta and Green Beans with Peanut Sauce

  • Any sort of pasta you fancy
  • 300 g fresh green beans, ends trimmed
  • approx. 100 ml water
  • 1 cm piece fresh ginger, minced
  • 2 (or 3 or 4, according to taste...) garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/4 cup (approx. 70 g) natural peanut butter, the crunchy version is an excellent choice!
  • Juice of 1/2 fresh lemon
  • 2 tablespoons tamari soy sauce
  • several tablespoons (according to taste) nondairy milk, we chose oatmilk
Bring a large pot of water to a boil, cook pasta until al dente, drain well, and transfer to a large bowl.

Steam, grill, or roast green beans for 7 to 10 minutes, until they are soft but still crisp - you get the picture.

For the peanut sauce, heat 2 tablespoons of water in a small sauté pan over medium heat.
When hot, add ginger and garlic.
Cook for a minute or two, then stir in peanut butter and remaining 5 tablespoons of water.
Stir until smooth.
Add lemon juice, tamari sauce, and oatmilk, and stir well. To thin out, add more water (or oatmilk...).
Salt and pepper according to taste.
Add beans to peanut sauce, and peanut sauce to pasta, and toss to coat.

Yeah, ok, it doesn't really LOOK too appetising, I admit.... but, as you undoubtedly know, this is a sure sign that the dish is all the more yummy! ;o)


Friday, 5 February 2010

Vegetarian celebrities

OK, Gwyneth Paltrow still eats fish, apparently, so she's not a vegetarian.... but then there's Alicia Silverstone who's a true vegan!

Have a look at all these veggie celebs: CLICK!